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Anchor Lyric

Nothing's the way it seems

I got caught up in your schemes

My revolution's starting now

It’s your love of speed that’ll slow me down

Lila let me be your pacifier

Let me be the coffee you require

Let me be the coat in your attire

Lila let me be your pacifier

Come on Lila tell me that you care

What am I doing here

You're making patience my career

You know my numbered days descend with that ebb-tide feeling in my head

Sweeps of time with nothing to do

In search of some other April fool

In my cavalier parade I'm marched upon as you stand and wave

Lila let me be your pacifier

Let me be the coffee you require

Come on Lila tell me that you care

Lila let me be your pacifier

Let me be the coat in your attire

Come on Lila tell me that you care

Just tell me that you care

Tell me that you care

Copyright © 1992/2020: albinosongs



Albino Guimaraes Vocals, Bass & Acoustic Guitars

Joe Boyle Electric Guitars

Bill Holloman Keyboards

Jon Peckman Drums

Sophie Guimaraes Vocals

Behind The Song...


I wrote this song with my then Boss at Chrysalis Publishing Evon Handras. We would sit in her small office and talk music for hours. I would go through the box of demo tapes we would get and do my best to respond with constructive feedback. Though I never wrote, “don’t quit your day job”, there were many times where I would not have been faulted. The sad part of it is some of our actually signed writers deserved such feedback.

The song title is a play on the fact the subject of the song is a lier. I recall Evon came up with the bridge. I always liked the pop approach we used. No fat on the bones with this one. That is a good way to approach songs.

Anchor Musicians
Anchor Behind Song
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