Back there
Way back there
Tiny bubbles of memory bursting versions of you
Releasing the bittersweet beautifully imperfect view
Back there... I majored in sensi-bull
Back there... did the right thing
Back there minors in heartbroken clue you to what time will bring
Back there
Way back there
Sweet echoes of promises wave past hindsight and truce
Landing just short of paradise
Totally untethered from use
Back There I promised
I swear I swore
I promised
Back there
Way back there
Back there...I majored in sensi-bull
Back there...did the right thing
Back there minors in heartbroken clue you to what time will bring
Sweet echoes of promises burst the bubbles of youth
Releasing the bittersweet, beautifully imperfect you
The beautiful, bittersweet imperfect you
Back there
Copyright © 2014/2017: albinosongs & Joe Boyle

Albino Guimaraes Vocals & Piano
Joe Boyle Electric & Bass Guitars
Jon Peckman Drums
Sophie Guimaraes Vocals
Behind The Song...
Back There
After a gig we did in Massachusetts, Joe Boyle gave me a disc containing an instrumental track he had developed and arranged and asked me if I wanted to try and make something of it. I listened to the the track on repeat all the way home and then for several days as a song slowly revealed itself to me. Joe had put down an atypical arrangement and rather than altering it, I wrote the melody and lyric to match what he already had. For the “Joe’s Original Mix” I sent Joe my vocals. Joe subsequently sent me all the tracks he did and I added Bass by Joe O’Brien, Drums by John Peckman and some Piano by me. I then sent this all back to Joe and he created the “Joe’s Second Mix” which retained Joe’s original Bass ideas.